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Hospital Transfusion Committee (HTC), Hospital Transfusion Team (HTT) & Transfusion Link Group (TLG)

Hospital Transfusion Committee (HTC) & Hospital Transfusion Team (HTT)


The primary purpose of the HTC is to promote and provide the highest standard of quality of care for patients receiving blood/blood components and blood products. This is achieved by developing guidelines and policies, audit and using peer review of transfusion practices. The HTC and HTT meet quarterly.


The HTT functions as the executive arm of the HTC and holds meetings on a regular basis. The team's role is:

  • To manage the day to day business of Blood and Blood Component transfusion within the Trust and to report to the Trust Board via the HTC.

  • To monitor blood usage and increase patient safety by using appropriate and cost effective products and interventions. 

  • To lead on blood transfusion training and education in the Trust and to ensure relevant blood transfusion competencies are undertaken and targets met


Recent minutes (ADD LINKS)


National Comparative Audits


The National Comparative Audit of Blood Transfusion (NCABT) is a programme of clinical audits which looks at the use and administration of blood and blood components in NHS and independent hospitals in England and North Wales. 


Recent audits


Transfusion Link Group (TLG)


The TLG is a network of enthusiastic clinical nurses and operating department practitioners who share an interest in promoting best practice within blood transfusion across the Trust. The group has over 30 active members (including colleagues from Wakefield and Prince of Wales Hospice). It meets for a day 4 times a year, the day consisting of an educational session in the morning followed by formal business meeting in the afternoon


Members of the group aim to:


  • Act as resource in their clinical area and, in liaison with the Transfusion Practitioners, help create and maintain a clinical environment conducive to safe transfusion practice.

  • To encourage and influence colleagues in developing good practice, raising awareness of transfusion issues and ultimately, delivering best possible care to our patients.


Recent minutes (ADD LINKS)


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